eso how to become a werewolf
The Elder Scrolls Online
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ESO Werewolf Guide - Become a Werewolf in the Elder Scrolls Online
"Welcome to my Werewolf Guide for the Elder Scrolls Online. We talk about how you can become a werewolf, pros&cons of beeing a werewolf and many more things. Subscribe, like and comment if you found this Video helpful, thanks:) Check out the description for more Information.
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0:00 ESO Werewolf Guide topics
Where and how to get infected with Lycantrophy by NPC Werwolfs:
➝ 0:21 Get infected with Lycanthropy by NPC werewolfs
➝ 1:30 The Rift - NPC Werewolf Locations
➝ 1:56 Repear`s March - NPC Werewolf Locations
➝ 2:09 Bangkorai - NPC Werewolf Locations
Where and how to get infected with Lycanthrophy from other Werewolf Players:
➝ 2:34 Get infected with Lycantrophy from another Player
➝ 2:49 Hircine`s Shrine Locations
Werewolf Quest - Hircine`s Gift
★ 3:09 Werewolf Quest - Hircine`s Gift
★ 3:30 Thoreki Quest Dialog
★ 4:33 Meet the Packmaster
★ 5:50 Hircine`s Realm
★ 6:51 Hunt for the Pack
★ 7:26 Receive Hircine`s Blessing
7:50 Buy the Werewolf Skill with Crowns
8:02 Level up your Werewolf Skill Line
8:11 Level up your Werewolf abilities
Overview of the Werewolf abilites and morphs:
★ 8:36 Overview about the Werewolf skills and morphs
★ 8:43 Ultimate - Werewolf Transformation
★ 9:02 Ultimate morph: Pack leader
★ 9:10 Ultimate morph: Werewolf Berserker
★ 9:17 Pounce
★9:25 Brutal Pounce
★ 9:32 Feral Pounce
★9:39 Hircine`s Bounty
★ 9:43 Hircine`s Rage
★ 9:51 Hircine`s Fortitude
★ 9:56 Roar
★ 10:01 Ferocious Roar
★ 10:11 Rousing Roar
★ 10:16 Piercing Howl
★ 10:20 Howl of Despair
★ 10:28 Howl of Agony
★ 10:34 Infectious Claws
★ 10:41 Claws of Anguish
★ 10:49 Claws of Life
10:54 Overview Werewolf Passive Skills
11:41 Cure Lycanthrophy - How & where can you remove the Werewolf Skill line
12:14 Pros and Cons of beeing a Werewolf
P.S. You probably saw my little mistype Werwolf which is german for Werewolf ;) Please forgive me this little typo :)
Destinations Addon:
Game: The Elderscrolls Online
Genre: Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Game
Author: Tianlein"
eso how to become a werewolf
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